30 Tips To Get You To Move More

Losing weight is hard. There is more to it than traditionally thought, which is why medical weight loss can be helpful for many people, but as you might expect, pairing the meds with a good diet and exercise proves to be more successful. Moving more throughout your day can help your weight, cardiovascular health, flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. Since so many of us could build more movement into our day I used the month of March to compile 30 ways to add more movement into your day. I called it “Move More March” and since so many people found it helpful, or inspiring, I decided to share it with you here!

This was first shared on my Instagram page, so if you enjoy this make sure you are following me there as well! 

Read these tips to learn something new, or just for a little inspiration, motivation, or accountability. 

Make it a challenge

Day 1 of “Move More March” (or whatever month you decide to implement this ), and my first tip is to find someone to move more with you!!  Whether you are physically together in the same location or not, having someone to keep you accountable really helps keep you on track!

Remember, this month is not about adding in a whole new exercise routine, it is about building more movement into your regular daily activities! So, find an accountability partner and move more together! If you are competitive, this may help motivate you too, however, I am of the opinion that you are only in competition with yourself. If you can do something better today than you did yesterday, I call that a win! 

Take the stairs

Taking one flight of stairs instead of the elevator or escalator may not seem like a big deal, but it IS something! 

One more staircase a day burns 1,825 calories by the end of a year, which is a whole day’s worth of food!

Do you already take the stairs? If not, try adding the stairs to your routine and get moving more!

Park farther away

Move More March Day 3 tip is to park farther away. Realistically this won’t add that much time on to your trip, and there will be less driving around hunting for the closest open spot. You’ll have room to park and have space to get out without squeezing in between cars. Really, the benefits abound. But honestly, if you work a job where you do not move a lot and you are trying to add steps in, you have to find them somewhere, and this is a really easy way!!

Is moving more just the start of your problem? Are you carrying extra weight that you are ready to drop? Have you considered medical weight loss?

Sit on an exercise ball

This tip for day 4 is a really easy one to implement. Switching out your desk chair for an exercise ball for even part of the day will help!! This simple move will help engage your core muscles without you even thinking about it!

Have you tried this before? 

Leave a comment on this article and let me know your thoughts.

Get a pedometer or fitness tracker

I can’t really explain this one, but I find this little tidbit pretty interesting: simply using a pedometer people tend to be more active! Psychology is pretty cool, because that is the only explanation here. So… this is one of those places where you may want to consider investing in your health, or tap into some of the features of the tech you already have! I know my phone keeps track of my steps, so as long as I have it on me (which is most of the time) it is keeping track of my steps and movement. This is a case of “the more you know” (the better you do).

Stretch when you wake up

How good does it feel to have a good stretch?! What a great way to wake up. Get your muscles loosened up and your blood flowing!  Starting the day off right with movement and a healthy breakfast will set you up for a day full of wins!

Are you ready for a winning day?? 

Have a dance party

Put on your favorite song and TURN IT UP!! That’s right, dance!! Get that heart pumping doing something fun! Do it by yourself, with your kids, with a friend, with your dog… it does not matter, just do it!! Your endorphins will be boosted and you’ll have moved more than if you hadn’t added in a dance party to your day!

Say “yes” to your kids

I’m sad to say that I probably say “no” to my kids too much. I feel busy, but often not in a physically busy way (like cooking, cleaning, laundry etc), but rather “busy” working on my computer or doing paperwork. Of course these things are important, but I’m sure if I said “yes” more often to the things my kiddos asked of me I’d be moving more!

What about you? Do you say yes as often as you’d like?

Lunge to the bathroom

Ok, now I HATE lunges, but they are good for you!! I read an article once that recommended doing lunges while grocery shopping. The article suggested that you 

hold on to the shopping cart while you do them, but as non-judgmental as I try to be- I’d 100% be laughing to myself at someone doing lunges at the grocery store, so I won’t recommend you do that!! BUT, I will recommend doing lunges in the privacy of your own home. Let’s fit them in when you are headed to the bathroom, or out of the bathroom…. or any other time you are walking around your house! I can feel the burn already!!

Tell me, do you know how to do a lunge without feeling like you will fall over?? The trick is not to put your feet one in front of the other (like walking a tightrope), but rather to keep your feet spaced out as if each foot was on its own train track.

Fold laundry standing up

If you are like me and wait until you have multiple loads worth of laundry to fold before actually doing it, this may really feel like a workout by the time you are done!! Laundry can be quite an active activity, but if you are sitting, you won’t be utilizing as many muscles/muscle groups as you would if you were standing. Go ahead, bend over, give those hammys a workout!!

Clean out a closet

You have a closet in mind as soon as I mention it, right? The closet where you stick things when guests are coming over. That’s the one you need to tackle to get those muscles moving!! As they say, “just do it!”

March in place while brushing your teeth

You should be brushing your teeth for about 2 minutes twice a day, so lift those knees and march for those 2 minutes too!! Why not?! You probably multitask in many other areas, lets make multitasking good for your health!! 

Do you do any other “movement multitasking”?

Walk on your lunch break

Going outside for your lunch break, even if you only get out for 5 minutes, it will do you some good. Getting some steps in is great, but so is getting a mental break from work. Here is what not to do: don’t eat lunch at your desk and just keep working!! Take that time & stretch those legs!

Have a meeting outside

Do you have a 1:1 meeting? Why not “take it to go”? Going for a walk with someone allows for physical movement and it increases creative thinking. Even moving small group meetings outside can be beneficial.

Do you do this? Is this something you can try out?


Picture it: Volunteer at a dog shelter and take a dog for a walk. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and put away groceries. Volunteer at the public library and sort some books. Volunteer for your kid’s soccer team and play soccer!… Pretty much everything you’d volunteer to do is going to be a step in the right direction (pun intended) for moving more!

Clean out your garage

Organizing my tools alone would be a work out! My garage has been organized at times…. but right now is not one of those times!! This is one of those tips I need to turn around and take myself!! 

These move more tips are going to make me AND my house healthier!

Start some veggie seeds

Our next tip is to start some veggie seeds. It is best to start them in the early spring inside so that they will be ready to put in the ground at the right time. Having a veggie garden is beneficial for many reasons. 1- It gets you moving and gardening. 2- It makes you more likely to eat your veggies 3- Your veggies will never be as fresh! and 4- If you have kids you may notice that they have more interest in veggies too!

Do you garden?

Check out my instagram account to see occasional garden updates from me.

Turn off the screens

This one is great for a weekend!!! Turn off those screens and go DO something!! Anything!!! Be creative! When I say “screens” I mean all the screens. Shut off the TV, the computer, and don’t go scrolling on your phone either!! Added bonus, it is good for your emotional health to unplug once in awhile!

Donate books you no longer need

Books, especially boxes of them, are HEAVY! Get rid of books you don’t need or don’t plan on reading again and give them new life by letting someone else enjoy them! Boxing up and moving out you old books is just one more way to get moving!

Push your kids on the swings

What is better than seeing your kids play and have fun? Playing and having fun WITH them!!! Move around, push those kiddos on the swings, go down the slide, chase them- hear those squeals of joy!! Build memories with your kids while adding more movement into your day! Does the idea of playing with your kids make your joints hurt and make you physically tired almost immediately? If you are struggling with your weight, this may be part of your hurdle. Have you considered medical weight loss?

Ride a bike

“It’s like riding a bike!” We say this because it is so easy to pick it up again after a long time of not doing it. Warning: just because you’ll probably remember how to do it doesn’t mean it won’t feel hard and won’t feel like exercise – especially the day after! This is a great way to exercise while having fun. 

Clean your windows

“I love cleaning windows” said no person ever! But, if you are looking to move more this month, consider cleaning your windows. Consider it part of your spring cleaning and let that sunshine in. You just might work up a sweat doing this one. 

Isolate your abs while driving

This tip is one that is super easy to implement. You can do it all throughout your day, but I recommend starting it while doing one particular thing, like driving. Here is what you do – tighten your ab muscles, like you are flexing your muscles. Start by doing it in 10 second intervals and build up to doing it for longer intervals. This will help strengthen your core. It will help your tummy appear thinner, it will improve your posture, and it will often improve back pain if you have any. 

Find an excuse to walk around

If you have a sedentary job, you may need to I find an “excuse” to walk around. What I mean is that you may go hours without standing if you don’t make a plan to walk around. If you tend to drink a lot of water consider using a smaller glass so that you have to get up to refill it. Alternatively, if you don’t already drink a lot of water, you may want to keep a BIG jug of water at your desk and you’ll hopefully need to take more bathroom breaks! The key is evaluating your current habits and seeing what will work better for you. Set yourself up for success.

Skip the drive-through

No, this isn’t the typical “skip the fast food” diet advice you are used to. This advice is about moving more. I’m suggesting that you skip the drive through  and actually go inside. Why? Because you have to park, get out of the car, and walk inside. Not keen on going inside? Maybe you don’t want that fast food as much as you thought!

Set A Movement Reminder

If you want to move more, one important thing is to create a habit. If you want to create a habit, you need consistency. One great tool is simple: set an alarm. My watch alerts me once an hour to stand up. Unlike some other alarms and alerts, this is one I actually pay attention to. This helps add a tiny bit of accountability.

Meet Your Friends to Go Bowling

Is your default “activity” when you meet up with friends “having dinner” or “ meeting  up for drinks“? How about suggesting something more active, like bowling? Not only will it get you moving more, it will probably be more fun and more memorable! What is your default activity when meeting up with friends?

Do Arm Circles During Commercials

How often do you get sucked into a show on Netflix? The binge that never ends, right?! Make sure that you build some movement into that binge by standing up and doing something, like little arm circles or toe touches on a regular basis. If you have traditional commercials with whatever you are watching, do it during every commercial. If you are watching something without commercials do it between episodes, or set a timer and do something every 20-30 minutes. Wanna step it up?? Only watch your new binge worthy show while you are walking on the treadmill!

Go To The Store

How often do you think of something you need or want and go straight to your phone and “add to cart” and it is delivered right to your house? As convenient as that is it does not get you moving! Try the “old school” technique and make a list and (gasp) go to the store! Go find the item on the shelf and bring it home yourself.


Go Somewhere New

Is your neighborhood boring? You’ve seen it all, or maybe you don’t want to run into your neighbors. Should this keep you inside? No! Go explore somewhere New.it can be somewhere exciting like a zoo or museum, but it does not have to be! You could go explore a different neighborhood, pretend you are home shopping. Really, going somewhere new may make you want to walk for longer.

Keep It Up!

What did you think of these tips? Did any of them stand out to you? Are you already doing any of them? Which do you plan to implement? One thing that I will keep doing is saying “yes ” to my kids as often as possible. After all, they are a big motivator for me on my own weight loss journey.

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