How Effective is Semaglutide for Weight Loss? Understanding the Power of GLP-1 Medications like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide For Weight Loss

Exploring the Potential of GLP-1 Medications in Your Weight Loss Journey

You’re probably reading this because you’ve heard about people taking semaglutide for weight loss and been wondering if medical weight loss with injectable medications like semaglutide (the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy) or tirzepatide (the active ingredient in Mounjaro and Zepbound) is right for you. You’ve seen it work for other people, or heard of people who have lost significant weight on these meds, but is it as good as it sounds?

What is the catch?

How do the GLP-1 meds actually work? First, let me just say without being overly dramatic, that I think these medications are revolutionizing the medical community approach and treat individuals with excess weight, and I think, in a few years, being on one of these medications will be just as common as being on a blood pressure medication—while also decreasing people’s need for those blood pressure medications!!

For some people without insurance coverage, the medication cost is a deterrent, but we are able to help with that!

GLP-1 Medications—How We Got Here

Semaglutide was patented by the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk in 2012 and has been available in the United States since the FDA approved it in 2017. It was originally designed as a medication to help people with Type 2 Diabetes manage their blood sugar levels and was released under the name Ozempic. It wasn’t long before people started to notice that patients taking the medication were having moderate weight loss, and Novo Nordisk released a re-branded semaglutide for weight loss under the name Wegovy after FDA approval in 2021.

Tirzepatide is a newer medication and has followed a similar trajectory as semaglutide. It was developed by Eli Lilly and Company and was approved by the FDA in 2021 for managing blood sugar levels in adults with Type 2 diabetes. Known commercially as Mounjaro, tirzepatide combines the actions of both GLP-1 and GIP (Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide), offering a dual approach to blood sugar regulation and weight management. Its effectiveness in promoting significant weight loss led to Eli Lilly getting it FDA approved for weight loss and it entered the market at the end of 2023 as Zepbound. Despite the recent FDA approval, tirzepatide has been prescribed “off-label” for weight loss since it entered the market in 2021.

Understanding How GLP-1 Medications Work

Semaglutide and tirzepatide work by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which is released by the gut after eating. The hormone has several effects in the body, working in your brain and in your gut.

One of the first things you will notice when on one of these medications is that you are not as hungry. That is because GLP-1 decreases your “hunger hormones” and increases your feelings of satisfaction. Your brain is not constantly telling you that you are hungry, which makes it much easier to eat intentionally.

Woman looking in the fridge with text saying GLP-1 meds help decrease mindless eating. Semaglutide for weight loss helps decrease food chatter.

Have you ever found yourself opening the refrigerator door wondering what you can eat? Or maybe you’ve been watching TV and started thinking “hmmm, whats in the pantry to snack on?” even when you aren’t hungry? Personally, I think the “magic” of taking GLP-1 medications like semaglutide for weight loss is their ability to quiet this “food chatter”!!

(Studies are showing that these GLP-1 medications are also decreasing how much people do other impulsive behaviors such as gambling and drinking alcohol! I think we will be seeing even more uses of these medications in the future, but thats a topic for another day.)

More than their effect in the brain, the GLP-1 meds slow gastric emptying, which means that your stomach is literally full for longer. Your food stays in your stomach longer, and moves through your digestive system slower. This makes it so you will likely feel bloated, or uncomfortable if you try to eat beyond your body’s signals of fullness. This is helpful for many people who tend to finish those last few bites even when they know they are full. This also helps teach you how to listen to your body’s signals because it reinforces that “full” message.

Side Effects—Keeping It Real

While these medications are effective, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects, which can include nausea, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues. However, don’t let this deter you! During your consultation, we’ll discuss these in detail, ensuring a safe and comfortable journey for you.

Image of a cartoon holding her abdomen and mouth demonstrating that nausea is the most common side effect of taking semaglutide for weight loss, but the text indicates that this is usually mild and transient

Is it safe to take semaglutide for weight loss?

When used correctly, and for appropriate candidates, these medications are safe. (Am I an appropriate candidate?) They are even safe to use long-term, meaning it is safe to continue taking them once you reach your goal weight in order to maintain your weight loss.** Of course, like any medication there are risks, but serious side effects are rare. If you are carrying excess weight your risk of serious health events such as heart attacks or strokes are a real risk of not losing that weight. The GLP-1 medications have been shown to decrease these events independent of weight loss!

**One concern people have when starting semaglutide for weight loss is whether or not they will re-gain the weight if they stop taking it. Although this can be a concern, we have developed a program for people wanting to transition off the medication without re-gaining the weight. This is a habit-based program built off of scientific studies on people who have successfully maintained their weight after significant weight loss. So, no matter what your long term goals are, ReVitalize will be able to support you.

The ReVitalize Way

At ReVitalize, we believe in a holistic approach to weight loss that includes nutritional and lifestyle components. While you may have tried diet and exercise in the past without success, pairing them with these medications leads to more optimal weight loss results and supercharges your health benefits! We help you build those good habits for sustained success. Many other online retailers simply send you your medications and then disappear, we are NOT those online “big box” providers! We are here for you, and are always available to discuss you progress or concerns.

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